Eyelid correction | blepharoplasty in Bonn
Aesthetic and professional correction of the eyelids
Many people suffer from wrinkly or drooping eyelids which can create a tired and defeated look. The face appears to be haggard and the patients often complain about leaving a listless, unhappy impression. Drooping lids, tear sacs or wrinkly eyes can be corrected with an eyelid correction, creating a rejuvenating and refreshing effect. A plastic eyelid correction (blepharoplasty) at the Beta Aesthetic in Bonn can improve age-related sagging of the sensitive lid skin so that an aesthetically beautiful result is achieved. The patient’s fundamental appearance is not altered during the process.
Dr. med. Daniel Sattler, the treating physician in the field of blepharoplasty, would be happy to inform you about the treatment possibilities of eyelid correction in a personal and comprehensive consultation.