Nose correction | rhinoplasty in Bonn

Aesthetic and shape correction of the nose

The nose is a significant component of our face. If the proportions of the nose are too prominent, this has an effect on the overall impression of the face. In a plastic nose correction (rhinoplasty) at the Beta Aesthetic in Bonn, the shape and size of the nose is changed in such as way that a harmonious overall look is achieved and the facial features are in proportion to one another. A nose operation can take place by means of modelling and be minimally invasive, with the operative access via a nasal opening or with a small incision in the region of the nose bridge. Dr. med. Daniel Sattler, the treating physician in the field of rhinoplasty, would be happy to inform you about the treatment possibilities of nose correction in Bonn in a personal and comprehensive consultation.

Quick guide:

Anaesthesia Anaesthesia:
Operation exclusively possible under general anaesthetic (Description)
treatment Duration of treatment:
At least one hour, depending on complexity and the correction measures
Fit for work Fit for work:
after approx. 2 to 4 days
Fit to socialise:
after approx. 14 days
sport Sport:
after 14 days at the earliest


FAQs on the topic of nose correction | rhinoplasty

You can find a selection of the most frequently asked questions here:

From what age can you have a nose correction?

A nose correction should first be performed when the patient has finished growing. This is usually the case when you have reached 16 to 18 years old. There are exceptions, such as if an injury to the nose occurs in childhood. In this case, an operation takes place immediately.

Is having thick skin a problem if a nose correction is to be performed?

Thicker skin can represent a problem in a nose correction, but this is not necessarily the case. It is possible to surgically thin out thicker skin and thereby create a softer appearance.

Which medicines should be avoided before a nose correction?

Blood-thinning medication such as aspirin or Marcumar (phenprocoumon) should not be taken before an operation, as these can increase the risk of post-operative bleeding.

When does surplus skin regress after a nose correction?

The regression of surplus skin is completed after 12 months. However, 80% of the result is already visible 4 weeks after the procedure. You can see the development of the final 20% after a further 3 months, when the complete result of the nose correction becomes visible.

How long is the nose swollen before the procedure?

Most of the swelling will recede approx. one week after the operation. However, this also depends on what part of the nose is operated upon. The patient is fit to socialise after approx. 2 weeks. The nose is healed and completely free of swelling approx. 4-6 weeks after the procedure.

Which type of anaesthetic is used during a nose correction in Bonn?

Minor nose corrections can be carried out under local anaesthetic. For complicated procedures, a general anaesthetic is used together with an additional local anaesthetic.

How long should you tape the nose after an operation?

The nose is taped for approx. one week directly after the procedure. The tape works in a similar way to compression stockings and helps to prevent swelling. In some cases and depending on the swelling, it is necessary to wear the tape for longer.

When can you start doing sport again after a nose correction?

After the stitches have been removed, you can start to do light sport (e.g. ergometer) from the first week onwards. All kinds of sport involving shaking (e.g. jogging), or in which there is a danger of injury to the nose, should be avoided until approx. 4 weeks after the operation.

The consultation with Dr med Daniel Sattler:

The consultation for a nose correction in Bonn (rhinoplasty) includes a very individual analysis of the nose through static aids such as photos and through dynamic impressions (analysis of the mimic of the patient). With the help of simulation (morphing), patients can get a realistic impression of the planned nose shape. It is important to take the patient’s wishes into consideration in advance and to decide together which features are regarded as troubling. Patients should think about what they want and their aims: What does the perfect nose for me look like? What do I think about the change in the shape of my nose?

Preparation for a nose correction | rhinoplasty:

The preparation is just as important as the operation, treatment and post-operative care. When preparing for the operation, all aspects of patient safety and of the operating surgeon must be considered. Alongside the obligatory pre-examination, in which the mucous membranes and respiratory functions of the nose are checked, the personal risks that can occur during a nose correction need to be discussed. The patient should inform the doctor about pre-existing illnesses, possible allergies, medicine that is currently being taken and medicine intolerances.

For patients with sensitive mucous membranes, we recommend using a soothing nose ointment or nose drops for two to three weeks before the procedure. Blood-thinning medications such as Aspirin or Thomapyrin should not be taken for up to 3 weeks before the operation. Ideally, alcohol should be avoided for up to two days before the operation.

What happens during a nose correction in Bonn (rhinoplasty)?

A nose correction can be performed for a variety of different reasons. Not only aesthetic reasons but also functional disorders can be a reason for having a nose operation. Operations can be performed on different areas of the nose. These include all inner and outer parts of the nose. The procedure and technique used in an operation depends on whether a crooked nose or a hooked nose is being corrected, or whether a patient would like a correction to the tip of the nose or a narrowing of the nose. There are two different types of treatment: a nose correction without operation or an operative nose correction.

In a nose correction without operation, an injection with hyaluronic acid can achieve localised filling of specific nasal areas. A bump in the nose can be concealed and asymmetries can be evened out. Additionally, an injection can cause a targeted paralysis of different muscles, to create a visual lengthening of the nose. In an operative nose correction, bones, cartilage and tissue are removed with delicate instruments and worked on until the desired shape is created. Stitches are necessary in this case. An operative nose correction can be carried out using the closed or open technique. The closed technique refers to a procedure which takes place through the nostrils. This means that no incision needs to take place through the outer skin. In the open technique, the nose is opened under the tip of the nose with a surgical incision through the skin. The advantage of the open technique is that it is easier to reach and to see the inner structures.

Post-operative care after a nose correction | rhinoplasty

It is usual to stay in hospital for a short time after a nose operation, to avoid possible post-operative complications. After the procedure and the general anaesthetic involved, the patient should stay in bed for approx. 24 hours. Tamponades are placed in the nostrils to directly stop any light bleeding that may occur. A nose tape is sometimes used to stabilise the nose. This will be removed approx. one week after the operation. Cool packs can also help to alleviate the swelling of the nose. To ensure a healthy and rapid healing process, the patient should remember to follow several rules of behaviour: Patients should sleep on their back and with a raised head until the swelling has subsided. Do not blow your nose but if your nose is running, just dab carefully with a handkerchief. If you need to sneeze, you can minimise the pressure in your nose by opening your mouth slightly.

In the first weeks after the operation, strenuous physical activities and hot showers are forbidden. You should also avoid strong exposure to the sun and wearing glasses. You should only take medicines such as pain-relieving medication in consultation with the doctor.